Who we are
HDF’s leadership is talented, diverse, and committed to the foundation’s mission. From varied sectors and backgrounds, their expertise is central to our past achievements and projects now in development. the development of people in Egypt.
The Arab Forum for Human and Technology Development (HDF) maintains its headquarters in Cairo and operates through additional branch offices throughout Egypt including El Arish, Siwa, Zagazig, Sharqia, and Port Said. The HDF foundation represents the interests of Technology and Human Resource development, key manufacturers, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) service providers, media organizations and providers, professors, postgraduates and students. Members participate in plenary meetings, workshops and implementation for, Local and Technology Interest group gatherings and welfare throughout Egypt. Such meetings, allow participants a unique opportunity to collaborate and decide policy orientation, examine issues of human development’s research, and develop cutting edge technical ideas.
General Objective
The Human and Technology Development Foundation is an international association of Information and Communication Technology representatives. Members and Participants are innovators in Human Development dedicated to promoting ethical and effective use of ICT to better serve humanity. HDF’s focus and expertise lie in the intersection of four core domains: ICT, Human Development, Media Awareness and Socio-economic Justice.
Specified Objectives
To increase the awareness of Information Technology and professional career development through various social, political and media outlets and campaigns.
Implementation of assistance plan for Civil Society Programs through media.
Exchanging ideas and solutions to the problems that arise from ICT and human development in civil society.
Creating a professional network for people who are interested in ICT and the promotion of human development.
Providing Training in the field of ICT and human resources in fields including media, political activity and operations, and social development.
Creating an effective community that can influence and direct the course of ICT and develop human resources in Egypt.
Establishing a recognized certification program in ICT and human development, with various emphasis in means of development (i.e. social work, civil society, media, etc)
Providing a link to international associations with the same field of interests.
Create job opportunities for the newly graduated youth in the field of Communication and Information Technology
Principles and Methodology
HDF seeks to employ the following steps and methods to achieve the given objectives in Egypt and potentially the Greater Middle East Region.
Short Term:
Creating a database on human resources in the field of information technology.
Publishing a regular media outlet (television program, newsletter, radio program) dedicated to informing public of ongoing information and technological activities.
Organizing training programs in the field of communication and information technology.
Medium Term:
Organizing a monthly forum named “The Egyptian Technology and Information Forum” for members and interested participants.
Organizing lectures, round table discussions, seminars and conferences in the field of communication, with influential individuals to gain strong media attention and support.
Creating a monthly magazine (print or broadcast) to update the audience’s knowledge in the field of communication and information technology.
To conduct research on technology transfer and its impact on human resource development in Egypt and the Greater Middle East.
Long Term:
Establishing educational and training institutes in the field of communication and information technology.
Establishing a standardization base for training and education in the field of Information and Communication Technology.
Working Committees Breakdown and Tasks
HDF will be composed of 5 working committees that will work in accord with one another to support overall HDF objectives and goals in unifying manner. The following committees are currently in place performing their given tasks:
1. International Relations and Financial Committee
The IRFC is responsible for all contact and communication with international partners, donors, and supporters, as well as all financial transactions and accounts.
2. Training and Education Committee
The TEC is responsible defining performance indicators for employees and trainees, defining means of measuring performance, enhancing human skills in arenas of Information and Communication Technology (Civil Society, Media, Politics, etc), and developing Senior Executive Leadership Programs.
3. Membership Committee
The membership committee is responsible for recruiting new members to HDF, informing present members of HDF activities, and organizing seminars and workshops on ICT and Human Development.
4. Media Awareness and Publicity Committee
The MAPC is responsible for promoting HDF activities, objectives and programs through various media outlets, creating an online discussion group on human development, and providing and establishing relationships with media companies for employment of HDF graduates.
5. The Committee of Small and Medium Technology Enterprises & Virtual Incubators
This committee handles all activities for communication and relations with technology ventures virtual incubators.
Reporting and Annual Conclusions
On an annual basis HDF will hold a major forum for all permanent and associate members, partners and donors, to discuss findings and accomplishments of the previous year and compose an overall report of findings, achievements, and future goals and objectives for the upcoming year.